Mobile App Development

Switch your business to mobile mode. Reach users wherever they are.

Radio Nowy Świat

Choose Mobile Solutions

Creating a mobile application is a beneficial solution for companies looking to elevate their business to the next level. By investing in a mobile app, you fully enter the digital world—a space of convenient shopping, entertainment, and instant communication. Let your customers access your services at their fingertips.

Mobile app users download them directly to their smartphones from the App Store or Google Play, simplifying the process for customers to engage with your products and services. A dedicated mobile app allows you to meet your users’ needs and achieve your business goals.

Creating a mobile app is also a great way to build customer loyalty to your company. User registration in the app provides you with valuable information, enabling you to better tailor your offer to the ever-changing market needs.

mobile app development

What can you gain from a mobile app?

Competitive advantage

Having your own mobile app demonstrates your company’s dedication to innovation and tech solutions. A mobile app helps you stand out from the competition and build a stronger brand image. It also enhances your competitiveness by providing easy access to products and services.

Increased reach and accessibility

A mobile app is a new channel to reach customers. Your company will be present where users seek its services—on their smartphones. This allows them to access your services quickly and conveniently.

Full control over communication

With a mobile app, you decide on the type and timing of customer contact. You don’t need to wait for their move. You can send push notifications, messages, or personalized special offers whenever you want. This enables you to effectively engage your audience and encourage interaction or purchases.

Improved business efficiency

A mobile application is not a solution just for startups but also for larger enterprises. With broad development possibilities, apps can be tailored to your unique needs. Streamlined processes, more efficient work, and saved time directly translate into financial benefits for your company.

react app development

Mobile applications in practice





Social Communications


Media & Entertainment



Mobile App Development with mobitouch

Complete service in one place

All you need is an idea, and we will handle the rest: analysis, design, programming, testing, publishing, and maintenance.

One code for iOS and android

With Flutter, a cutting-edge technology from Google, we create one codebase that works on both iOS and Android systems. This cross-platform approach allows you to reach a wider audience, offering them a consistent and optimized experience regardless of the device used.

We use modern solutions

We work with the latest technologies to guarantee a high level of security and code reliability. Our goal is to ensure that the development of your app will be cost-effective in the future.

The success of our clients is our signature

We have helped many companies thrive, completing dozens of mobile app projects with great success. Our references speak for themselves, and the number of satisfied clients keeps growing.
  • Mobitouch did an amazing job. I’m satisfied with the quality of their services and development skills. Also, they are reliable and manage communication perfectly. I fully recommend mobitouch as an IT partner!

    Michał Kuriata
    IT Project Manager at Nowa Itaka sp. z o.o.
  • Mobitouch is a team of skilled professionals that understand AR technology well. They helped us with every step of the development process. They think outside of the box. Therefore, the final product is even better than we hoped for!

    Furgonetka BOX Partner
    Marta Gaińska
    Operations Manager at
  • The use of Augmented Reality sets the new quality of university-candidate interaction and gives printed materials second life in the era of mobile devices.

    Aneta Rozborska
    Director of Marketing & Recruitment UITM in Rzeszow
  • Mobitouch delivered an excellent iOS and Android mobile app under tight timelines and we are very pleased with the final outcome of our product. We are happy to have worked with such a great team and we are excited to continue working with them on new ideas for our mobile app.

    Tomasz Kopacz
    CEO at Meetface S.A.
  • We are very pleased with the results.

    2nr Premium
    Artur Wtulisiak
    CEO at MobileLabs sp. z o.o.

We’re still not resting on our laurels

Mobile app development step by step

Graphic design
Quality Assurance
Improvement Measure & Update
  • Preparation

    Only a holistic strategy guarantees the quality and consistency of the entire project.

    • Meetings and requirements
    • Analysis, data collecting
    • Functionality architecture
    • Project planning
  • Graphic design

    We follow your brand identity or help to create it from scratch.

    • Envision your customers’ mobile assets
    • User flow
    • Creating high-impact design
    • Digital prototyping
  • Development

    We develop innovative, secure, and high-performance applications for mobile.

    • Technical Direction
    • Technical Specifications
    • Front & Back-end Development
  • Quality Assurance

    Our specialized in-house QA team does the review and testing of all the software we build.

    • Usability testing sessions
    • Code reviews
    • Bug fixing
    • Approval
  • Launch

    Implementing appropriate app analytics and making sure that your app is ranked high in stores by introducing appropriate App Store Optimization techniques.

  • Improvement Measure & Update

    Making sure all changes are data-driven and keep on checking the  appearance and functionality. We make sure your audience gets the updates they’ve been looking for.

Let your mobile app see the daylight

Our approach to the project

When creating mobile software, we are guided by agile management. We work according to Scrum standards.

What does this mean for you?


We determine the scope of the project and create a plan for completing it.


Next, we create a list of tasks and features to be implemented. Each stage of the work is precisely planned and verified, and the project is supervised by people who know all the goals of your product.


At this stage, we break the project into sprints, or short periods of work, each with a specific goal. Thanks to “sprints”, the mobile app is developed at a predictable rhythm.

Daily Standup

Each day Project Manager responsible for your project has a short meeting with a team to review progress and plan tasks for the day.


At the end of each sprint, we review the progress and retrospect on how to improve the process for the next sprint. If individual functionalities of the application are ready to implement, we do it immediately after your approval.

Check out the projects we've kicked off

Radio Nowy Świat

Radio Nowy Świat is an internet radio that was created on the initiative of iconic Polish music journalists. The project was officially launched in July 2020, becoming one of the most popular radio stations of this type in the country from the first days of regular broadcasting. The application created by our team goes far beyond a simple tool for listening to radio broadcasts. Currently, it is an extensive platform, thanks to which users have access to podcasts, schedules and the entire radio playlist, and can easily check the title of the song that they are particularly fond of.

mobile app development

Furgonetka BOX Partner is a leading logistics operator in Poland, bringing together the most popular carriers. The website offers a wide range of courier services, providing companies and individuals with fast and low-cost shipping. We created for the company a modern and easy-to-use mobile app with an AR module. Thanks to the analysis carried out by our team, the use of the application is limited to a simple operation in which the user directs the camera of their smartphone toward the desired place and selects the type of parcel machine that is optimal for the location.

Furgonetka BOX Partner

Do you need more information about our work?

flutter development services 3

Find the answers

Why choose mobile app development?

Creating a mobile app for your company will unlock its growth or streamline internal processes. The software can target both customers and employees. It all depends on which area in your business needs to be improved.

There are many benefits of mobile app development. First of all, users gain access to your solutions at their fingertips, wherever they’re located. It is a very convenient solution to offer your products for sale, provide digital services or want to improve the work of your team.

What does the mobile app development service look like?

When you decide to cooperate, we will present our ideas about the application’s functionalities. It will be a perfect time to clarify all the arrangements. We also often arrange product discovery workshops and design the draft look of the software.

After reviewing your guidelines, we proceed with coding. We work based on ‘sprints’, meaning we show you pieces of code in short intervals. If everything is in the right shape, we determine the next steps.

What technologies do we use?

In our work, we use various mobile application development technologies. The choice depends on the specifics of the order. However, in the vast majority, we develop cross-platform software. In such cases, we use Flutter, a cross-platform solution. Thanks to this framework, we avoid overcoding.

Later we integrate the code into individual operating systems such as Android and iOS. Cross-platform application development allows you to update the code efficiently and at a much lower cost while maintaining its high quality. It’s virtually impossible for end-users to tell the difference between applications built in Flutter and native ones.

Why choose Flutter for mobile app development?

Flutter is a handy set of tools. It allows developers to create various applications using a single codebase. It also allows you to prepare a responsive layout with powerful animations.

The main advantage of this framework is easy integration with mobile operating systems, such as Android and iOS. Moreover, you can also apply it to web and desktop applications.

Flutter also makes future work more manageable. It is simple to use, provides insight into previous code versions, and has a powerful debugging feature.

What functionalities can be created in mobile apps?

At the beginning of our cooperation, we will discuss the assumptions for your application. We will offer you tailored functionalities since they should meet your business purposes. Some of the most common functionalities are creating a user account and logging in.

Our mobile app developers often create push notifications, payment systems, device tracking or media players. We can also integrate mobile software with web applications for example in the case of e-commerce.

Are custom mobile applications secure?

When creating custom software, you have complete control over it. As opposed to ready-made solutions, you are not relying on the company that created them. Since you have a product that is not generally available, it’s less vulnerable to hackers. You can decide what sensitive data is most important to you and increase security.

The custom mobile app development company will also run safety and performance tests. So custom applications are more secure than their commercial counterparts.

What does the cost of mobile app development depend on?

Mobile application development is a complicated process. It begins with the identification of the client’s needs, as each of them has different business goals. The pricing of the order depends on individual specifications. Factors affecting the mobile app development cost are primarily the number of functionalities and the difficulty of the entire project.

If you don’t yet know what you want the app to look like in the end, we encourage you to have a product discovery workshop, after which we will provide a preliminary cost estimate.

How to recognize a top mobile app development company?

Mobile app dev is a broad field. Companies differ from each other in several respects. Therefore, when looking for top mobile app developers, pay attention to their specialization and completed projects.

Search for companies from your industry among the clients of the mobile application development company. Then also learn about the technologies and programming languages used and ask the software house how they can help with your project.