iOS App Development Services

Take a big bite of the mobile world with our iOS developers!


iOS Development Overview

iOS app development services focus on creating applications for Apple’s mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. Once the app is developed, it goes through a rigorous testing process to ensure that it meets the highest quality standards. The app is then deployed to the App Store, where users can download it and start using it on their Apple devices.

Overall, iOS app development services are essential for businesses that want to engage with their customers through mobile apps. By partnering with mobitouch, you will gain innovative and user-friendly mobile software that drives growth and engagement in the digital age.

Mobile App MVP Development Services

A couple of advantages

Still not convinced? Stay with us and learn about the positive impact achieved through iOS app development!

Reach a wider audience: Apple has a large user base willing to pay for quality apps. Developing an iOS app can help businesses reach a wider audience and generate more revenue.

Increase customer engagement: Mobile apps offer a more convenient way for customers to interact with businesses. iOS apps are known for their smooth user experience and high engagement rates.

Access to Apple’s ecosystem: iOS app development provides access to a range of tools, frameworks, and resources that help developers create high-quality apps, optimized for Apple’s ecosystem.

Increased security: Apple is known for its rigorous security standards, so iOS app development can help businesses to protect sensitive customer data and build trust with their users.

These are just a few examples of the benefits that businesses can gain from iOS app development services.

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Develop an iOS application your own way

Social media apps

They allow users to connect with friends and family and to build communities. Go and share photos, videos, and messages with each other.

Entertainment apps

Offer your audience a variety of entertainment options. Who doesn’t like to watch movies, TV shows, play games or listen to music?

E-commerce apps

Some mobile apps allow users to shop online. Maybe they will be able to buy products, read reviews, and compare prices within your application?

Financial management apps

These apps help users manage their finances by tracking expenses, creating budgets, and monitoring investments. You can offer such a solution to your customers or employees of your company.

Augmented reality apps

These apps use technology to overlay digital content in the real world. This solution is known from the world of entertainment, online shopping or interior design, to name a few.

Ready to take your business to the next level with an iOS app?

  • Mobitouch did an amazing job. I’m satisfied with the quality of their services and development skills. Also, they are reliable and manage communication perfectly. I fully recommend mobitouch as an IT partner!

    Michał Kuriata
    IT Project Manager at Nowa Itaka sp. z o.o.
  • At every stage of implementation, we knew that we could count on the support and knowledge of professionals. Thanks to the well-designed UX and UI, as well as the use of the latest technologies, Opensport24 definitely outperforms competitive solutions.

    Tomasz Stec
    President of the Board at Opensport24
  • Their team are experts in designing and coding mobile apps, whose knowledge and experience helped us implement improvements into the app. We were also very impressed with the smooth communication and information flow thanks to which we felt as a part of their team and made sure any delays were eliminated.

    Michał Korba
    Co-Founder at

iOS mobile app development step by step

Graphic design
Quality Assurance
Improvement Measure & Update
  • Preparation

    Only a holistic strategy guarantees the quality and consistency of the entire project.

    • Meetings and requirements
    • Analysis, data collecting
    • Functionality architecture
    • Project planning
  • Graphic design

    We follow your brand identity or help to create it from scratch.

    • Envision your customers’ mobile assets
    • User flow
    • Creating high-impact design
    • Digital prototyping
  • Development

    We develop innovative, secure, and high-performance applications for mobile.

    • Technical Direction
    • Technical Specifications
    • Front & Back-end Development
  • Quality Assurance

    Our specialized in-house QA team does the review and testing of all the software we build.

    • Usability testing sessions
    • Code reviews
    • Bug fixing
    • Approval
  • Launch

    Implementing appropriate app analytics and making sure that your app is ranked high in stores by introducing appropriate App Store Optimization techniques.

  • Improvement Measure & Update

    Making sure all changes are data-driven and keep on checking the  appearance and functionality. We make sure your audience gets the updates they’ve been looking for.

Let your mobile app see the daylight

Our approach to the project

When creating mobile software, we are guided by agile management. We work according to Scrum standards.

What does this mean for you?


We determine the scope of the project and create a plan for completing it.


Next, we create a list of tasks and features to be implemented. Each stage of the work is precisely planned and verified, and the project is supervised by people who know all the goals of your product.


At this stage, we break the project into sprints, or short periods of work, each with a specific goal. Thanks to “sprints”, the mobile app is developed at a predictable rhythm.

Daily Standup

Each day Project Manager responsible for your project has a short meeting with a team to review progress and plan tasks for the day.


At the end of each sprint, we review the progress and retrospect on how to improve the process for the next sprint. If individual functionalities of the application are ready to implement, we do it immediately after your approval.

Check out the projects we've kicked off


Itaka is one of the most popular travel agencies in Poland. In this project our main goal was to increase user-engagement among customers who use mobile devices by providing them with an intuitive mobile application which is closely connected with the Itaka tour base. Read more about this project.


Do you need more information about our work?

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